Hi everyone! The past 24 hrs have been a whirlwind. We are 2 hrs and 45 min from HOME!!! My dad and I were on a mission last night to clean our room, pack up, pack the car and check out 1st thing this morning! We are making fantastic time! Dr Rutter said Prestons airway looks great. Healing perfectly and we don't need to return for a follow up scope for another 6 weeks! I just had a feeling things would look good but to hear it from the dr and then release us to go home was music to our ears!!! Whooo hooo! The boys will stay home with me till after spring break to avoid germs while P's graft in his airway continues to heal. I can't wait to soak up time with ALL of my boys!! I still can't believe the blessings that continue to flow from this trip. God hears prayers and Preston's were answered! Thank you for all of the support from our family and friends near and far! You sustain us on this journey!
These are the pictures of our homecoming:
Our awesome neighbors, the Maguires, made this sign for Preston. It was great!!!! |
We raced to be home by 4pm so I could go with Tim and Reid to my sister's house. She needed help with Will and Ava that night and since we didn't plan on being home this soon, Tim still was planning on going over to babysit and let Reid play with his cousins. I was so excited I got to go too! I have never showered so fast once we pulled up so we could ride all together and be with family. It was the perfect homecoming and by the look of Reid on my shoulder, I think its safe to say I was missed. So thankful to be home with BOTH my precious boys and the rest of my family. |
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