Start of our Christmas break- Preston pointing to Ronnie…..I swear he remembered him LOL |
We had a very low key Christmas this year and it was our first Christmas for 2 occasions. We delivered 59 gifts to the KC RMH. Each family staying in both houses received a satin hands hand cream and satin lips lip balm from tons of donations I received. We also gifts for the volunteers. THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart to each of you who donated. I got a got today thanking me for the donations and specifically thanking me for the items we donated due to the cold weather and dry hospital air causing chapped hands and lips. It make me tear up! Tim and I plan to do this every year and I can't wait for the boys to be old enough to really understand what RMH has done for us and what we will continue to give back to others who need their services. We also had the chance this year to take the boys to both sets of Grandparents houses to open gifts and celebrate on Christmas day. Last year everyone came to us. Tim kicked off the holiday by heading to church for candle lit service alone :( I miss going to this service each year and can't wait to take the boys! We celebrated first thing in the morning at our home letting the boys play with 'Santa' gifts and open up stockings. Then we headed straight to Grandma and Grandpa Walker's house in our jammies to eat strada/cinnamon rolls/yummy breads for breakfast and see what Santa brought to their house too! We stayed all day while the boys played with their new toys, napped, we showered and headed to my folks house for Christmas dinner and more gifts! It is so nice our parents only live 10 min apart! The boys got spoiled and we enjoyed family time. We had a great day and had an early morning ahead of the next day to finalize P's ear surgeries with surgery #3. 5:30am check in time is no fun. It's over (as I type this on Dec 30th) and we are DONE DONE DONE with his ear surgeries! Hallelujah! He will still have his hearing aid and eventually maybe a baja implanted but that is down the road and nothing to be too concerned about. His hearing is AWESOME even with unilateral hearing loss. This was more for cosmetic/functional purposes (some work was done on the left ear after all). Our clinic follow up appt is this Friday and then we will say good-bye to Dr. Andrews for a long time. He has offered to do plastic surgery on P's neck once decannulated to make his neck look as if nothing ever happened. I said YES PLEASE! So i am excited about that. After all, it only seems fitting that the dr who gave him his trach can 'finish the job' whenever that will be. He truly had a vested interested in Preston and us and for that, we are grateful. I think its safe to say this Christmas was fantastic. We are blessed! We hope you had a wonderful and meaningful holiday and may 2014 bring you happiness and joy! Here are some pics to highlight the holiday. I didn't get as many as i thought because I was soaking up being in the moment this year! :)

We were given a tour of the KC RMH home. They had a fish tank the boys LOVED!
Christmas morning with my lovies…..none of us were awake yet!
Trying to get a family pic….P was especially excited to open gifts. I passed on cute Christmas outfits this year….I went for comfy and casual since we did 3 Christmas's in 1 day! |
Attempt #2 was much better :) |
My dad took this of me after all the presents were opened, dinner was over, and the kids were in jammies. I was SO happy to finally sit for the 1st time all day :) |
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