'Be still my heart' |
We brought Reid with us (had we known the events that were to follow, we would have left him at home. But we anticipated this to be a HAPPY day filled with great news!
And then the unthinkable happened.................Preston received his emergent tracheostomy.
Here is my sweet little miracle the following day with his trache and on the ventilator. He was so fragile but such a fighter. I don't share this to scare anyone. It is a testament to how far he has come and how he is THRIVING today beyond what we ever hoped for! Looking at these pictures now makes me realize how critical he was but at the time I really had no clue. I didn't even know what a trache was or how it would affect his future. Probably a good thing at the time! So grateful for God's grace and mercy on his little life!
Time felt like it was standing still but once he came out of sedation he started to improve quicker than we anticipated. Here is P opening his eyes and interacting with us! What a great sight to see!