Happy Father's Day to Tim! We are sitting here on the couch relaxing after a busy day (the boys are in bed sleeping soundly from a busy day of celebrating) and the realization that we leave in 1 short week for Cincinnati has hit us. I still can't believe Preston is having his LTR surgery this soon. We can't wait for trials with his speaking valve after surgery and i can't help but dream of next year's Father's Day when Preston will be able to say Dada to Tim!
I always knew Tim would be a great dad (he was ready to be a parent before me) but to see him in action is so fun! The boys LOVE him. They ask for him constantly (Preston has mastered signing Dada) and they wrestle with him every night. Tim's dedication to the boys and the time he spends with them is priceless to me. I always know when I am not home with them, that Tim is fully engaged and doing something fun with them. Makes my heart FULL! My mom always had a sign hanging up on the kitchen pantry door while I was growing up and it said, "To a child love is spelled T.I.M.E" I never really understood that until now. I totally get it. The boys always behave better, listen and obey much more when they have our TIME in every way. It's when we are preoccupied with distractions that they seem to have 'issues' LOL.
Ever since we knew we would have issues with Preston's health, Tim stepped right up to the plate and took charge with P's plan of care! I know he is going to do the same as we venture to Cincinnati for Preston' surgery. I can't imagine not having Tim as the father to our boys. He is the true example of integrity, success, confidence, man of Christ, and a true friend. Happy Father's Day Dada! We love you!
I can't finish this post without a shout out to my own Dad! He is the reason why I am the person I am today. I am grateful I learned the true meaning of hard work and determination through him. I work my business the way I do because of him. The affection and praise he has given me my whole life has instilled security and confidence in me. I can't think of one school function my dad missed while growing up. He has been my biggest cheerleader. He was the dad always video taping EVERYTHING! It didn't mean much to me then but it means everything to me now. He participated in dance recitals doing the 'father/daughter' dance, took me to dance class and would always show up early to watch me practice before we got dismissed. He participated in Indian Princesses with me and always made sure I had what I needed. He is the main reason why my Mary Kay Business started and has grown with success. He encouraged me to start it at the ripe age of 18. He attended my first company function in Dallas to support me, and still asks me how things are going on a regular basis! We share the love of being in sales together and that will be our bond for life I believe. It means more to me than he will ever know. Happy Father's Day Dad! I love you so very much!
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